Racial Name: Laith
Commonly referred to as: The Men of the North
Individual: Laithan
Group: Laithans
Of Laith Make: Laithia
Typical Surnames:
Du'Valgette, Du'Four, Val'Masa, Fayette, Lesueur, Metisse, Amoit, Lafontaine, Bertrand, Devereaux, Beaumont, Renault
Typical Given Names
Male - Alphonse, Gilles, Marcel, Jerome, Luc, Jacques, Antoine, Gerard, Nicolas, Fabien
Female - Delphine, Sabine, Jocelin, Desiree, Elisa, Renee, Valerie, Mirabelle, Raquel, Zoe
Commonly referred to as: The Men of the North
Individual: Laithan
Group: Laithans
Of Laith Make: Laithia
Typical Surnames:
Du'Valgette, Du'Four, Val'Masa, Fayette, Lesueur, Metisse, Amoit, Lafontaine, Bertrand, Devereaux, Beaumont, Renault
Typical Given Names
Male - Alphonse, Gilles, Marcel, Jerome, Luc, Jacques, Antoine, Gerard, Nicolas, Fabien
Female - Delphine, Sabine, Jocelin, Desiree, Elisa, Renee, Valerie, Mirabelle, Raquel, Zoe
Social Structure
The Laithia Government is made up of a coalition of mage guilds ruled by a council made up of the heads of the various guilds. The council nominates a single powerful member as the chairman to maintain order and act as a figure head. This chairman is known amongst the Laithans as the Magistrate. Non-political ranks in the country of Laith are split into two distinct yet cooperative branches of the followers of Ishira. Split into several tiers of hierarchy, the Temple of Ishria is a clergy-like organization dedicated to the study of the arcane, and service of Ishira. Acceptance as a Temple Acolyte is generally a young Laithan's first step in gaining prominence amongst their kin. Handling both peace-keeping, and wartime offense, the Storm Guard are an organization of warrior mages who have been trained to focus their knowledge and arcane strength toward battle. Many aspiring young Laithans join up at the Academy every year, hoping for an illustrious career that will propel them into the high society of the Laithia Nobles.
Laithia Cities are supported by many villages in the surrounding landscape that generate food and basic products to keep the city supplied. While the common citizens tend to fill the villages and live a somewhat simpler life, the rich and decadent culture of the nobility is very apparent in the cities. While at first glance the city streets will seem typical, lined with buyers and sellers of various wares and goods, visitors are often amazed with the overwhelming amount of magical artifacts that can be found for trade in the city streets. While it is against Laithia law to use magic on someone untrained in the arts, they are free to use it on each other, and it is not uncommon for an unwary Laithan to be sold a common piece of junk magically disguised to look like a powerful artifact.
Birth, Growth, and Death
Laithai families are made up of nuclear units of mother, father, and children. While more distant relatives are still considered part of an 'extended' family, any clout or prominence held by a Laithan only extend to their nuclear family. Children are raised in the household shared by the family and are considered the responsibility and property of their parents. While Laithans are considered full adults legally at the age of twenty, males often leave the household to chase their own destiny as early as seventeen years of age, and it is not uncommon for a female to remain under her parents care well into her twenties. Aging Laithans are generally not treated differently than younger members of the race, unless they have gained substantial rank in Laithan culture. Death generally finds a Laithan at around the age of ninety, though many live strong vibrant lives all the way to the end.
Laithans tend to be incredibly proud and often pompous toward outsiders, while displaying a cautious, yet polite attitude toward each other. To many outsiders this seems to be a deference for their own, though the reality is more one of distrust for each other. Laithans are often very competitive, though they temper it with a casual friendliness while they are sizing up their perceived opponent. These traits are all caused by the Laithans' deep regard for Ishira and the values of knowledge and power that she promotes. Though all Laithans in good standing serve Ishira to some degree, it is not uncommon in the rather free thinking society to serve multiple deities, as long as Ishira is given her proper prominence.